SQW系列 快速温变试验箱


用来测试材料结构或复合材料,在瞬间下经极高温及极低温的连续环境下所能忍受的程度,藉以在最短时间内试验其因此所引起的化学变化或物理伤害.适用的对象包括金属,塑料,橡胶,电...等材料,可作为其产品改进的依据或参考。●It is used for testing the material structure or compound material; it can bear under high temperature and low temperature continuous environment; the chemical change or physical injurycaused by the test during the shortest time can betested; the applicable object comprises metal, plastics,rubber, electronics, etc; and it can be used as the basisor reference of product improvement.

Reference Standards   参考标准
●GB/T5170.2-2008    温度试验设备 ●GB/T5170.2-2008 Temperature Testing Equipment
●GB/T5170.5-201 6  湿度试验设备 ●GB/T5I70.5 2016 Humidity Test Equipment
●GB10592-89   高低温试验箱技术条件 ●GB/T2423.1-2008(IEC68-2- I) Test A: Low Temperature Testing Method
● GB/T2423.1-2008(IEC68-2- 1)试验A:低温试验方法 ● GB/T2423.2-2008(IEC68-2-2) Test A: High Temperature Testing Method
●GB/T2423.2-2008(IEC68-2-2)试验A:高温试验方法 ● GB/T2423.3-2006(IEC68-2-3) Test Ca: Steady state Damp Heat Test (C)
●GB/T2423.2-2008  高温试验箱试验方法 ●GB/T2423.4-2006(IEC68-2-30) Test Dbc: Cyclic Damp Heat Test (C)
●GB/T2423.3-2006(1EC68-2-3)试验Ca:恒定湿热试验(C ●GJBI50.3A-2009(MIL-STD-8I0F -2000) High Temperature Test
●GB/T2423.4-2006(IEC68-2- 30)试验Dbc:交变湿热试验(C) ●GJBI50.4A-2009(MIL-STD-8I0F- 2000) Low Temperature Test
●GJB150.3A-2009(MIL-STD-810F-2000)高温试验 ●GB GJBI50.3A-2009(MIL-STD-8I0F -2000) High Temperature Test
●GJB150.4A-2009(MIL-STD-810F- 2000)低温试验 ●GJBI50.4A-2009(MIL-STD-8I0F- 2000) Low Temperature Test
●GJB150.9A-2009(MIL-STD-810F-2000)湿热试验 ●GJBI50.9A-2009(MIL -STD-8I0F 2000) Damp Heat Test

型号 Model









标称容积(L) Volume





温度范围 Temperature range


湿度范围 Humidity range


温度波动 Temperature fluctuation


温度偏差 Temperature deviation


湿度偏差 Humidity deviation


温度变化频率  Temperature chanqe rate


温度变化速率范围 Range of temperature change rate


内部尺寸mm Internal size   














  外壳 Shell

双面电解钢板SECC,表面喷塑处理 Double-side electrolysis steel plate SECC and surface spraying plastics

  内壳     Inner shell

SUS304/2B(雾面)不锈钢板 SUS304/2B(for surface)stainless steel plate

  保温  Thermal insulation                  

硬质聚氨酯泡沫+超细玻璃化纤 Hard polyurethane foam +ultra-fine glass fiber

调节器    Regulator


镍铬合金加热丝式加热器 Nicochrome fin heating wire heater


不锈钢铠装加热器(外部加湿)Stainless steel armored heater(external humidifying)

  风机 Fan

后倾式风机 Rear fan

  制冷机    Refrige    rator

机械式压缩机 Mechanical compressor

 制冷剂   Refrigera  ting fluid


制冷方式   Refriger ating mode

机械压缩二元复叠制冷方式 Mechanical binary cascade refrigeration mode

 控制器       Controller


7.0英寸以上,TFT彩色LCD显示屏   Above 7.0 Inch,TFTcolor LCD display

  运行方式   Operation mode

程序方式,定值方式   Program operation,fixed value operation

设定方式           Setting mode

中文菜单,触摸屏方式输入  Chinese menu,input by touch screen

程序容量        Program capacity

可编辑程序数量:最大99个,步数:999步,循环数:最大99个  Number of editable program:99 maximum;step:999 steps;cycle number:99 maximum

   设定范围       Setting range

温度:根据设备的温度工作范围调整(上限+5,下限-5   湿度:0RH~100RH(温湿度试验设备)  Temperature:adjust according to the temperature range of the equipmentupper limit:+5,lower limit:-5);humidity:0RH~100RH(temperature and humidity test equipment)

  显示分辨率    Display resolution

温度:0.01℃,时间:0.1MIN   湿度:0.1RH(温湿度试验设备)Temperature:0.01;time0.1mim;humidity:0.1RH( temperature and humidity test equipment)

  输入 Input

热电阻    Thermal resistance

     Commun ication    function   (purchasing)    

RS-485接口,具有本地和远程通讯功能,监控软件、RS-485/RS-232转换器,需占用PC机的COMUSB接口各一个;最多可同时连接16台设备,电缆累计长度最大800M  RS-485 interface with local and remote communication function,monitoring software,RS-485/RS-232 convertor,one COM interface and one USB interface occupying PC computer;connect 16 sets of equipment at most;and the maximum accumulated length of the cable is 800M.

       控制方式  Control mode

抗积分饱和PID  Anti-integration saturtion PID

   曲线记录功能    Curve recording     function

具有带电池保护的RAM。可保存设备的设定值和采样值及采样时刻的时间,最大记录时间为350天(当采样周期是1.5MIN时)RAM with battery protection:it can save the setting value and sampling time of equipment,and the maximum recording time is 350 days(when the sampling period is 1.5min)

 USB功能 USB function

U盘一个,PC机专用软件光盘一张(繁体)中文(英文windows操作系统),通过PC软件编制试验程序保存到U盘,再从U盘将试验程序调出并存入控制器中,也可控制器存U盘,再存入PC机进行分析和管理,可将存储在控制器内记录的试验曲线记录数据转存到U盘,通过PC机专用软件直接显示和打印试验数据/曲线,将数据转成文档格式文件。控制器记录数据为:2路温度-设定温度和实测温度;2路湿度-设定湿度和实测湿度。It is equipped with one U-disk and software disk special for PC computer (applicable for simple and complex Chinese,English WINDOWS operation system);the test program is compiled by PC software snd saved in U-disk;and then the test program is tuned out from the U-disk and saved in the controller;or the controller can be saved in U-disk;and the it is saved in PC computer to be analyzed and managed.The record date of the test curve recorded in the controller can be saved to U-disk;tne test data/curve is directly displayed and printed by special software of PC computer;and the data is converted into format file.The recording data of the controller is as follows:two-circuit temperature-setting temperature and actually measured temperature;two-circuit humidity-setting humidity and actually measured humidity.

      附属功能  Auxiliary function

故障报警及原因、处理提示功能;断电保护功能;上下限温度保护功能;日历定时功能(自动启动或自动停止);自诊断功能 Fault alarm and reason,treatment prompt function,power failure function,and upper and lower temperature limit protection function;Calendar timing function (automatic starting or automatic stopping);self-diagnostic function

 供水    Water supply

  供水方式 Water   supply mode

水泵供水   Supply water by water pump

  储水箱 Water storage tank

抽屉水箱(自制)Drawer water tank (self-control)

  水质 Water quality

电阻率≥500Ωm  Resistance rate≥500Ωm

 电源 Power

AC380V(±10%)V 50HZ   三相四线+保护地线  AC380V(±10%)V 50HZ three-phase four-wire +protection ground wire

 标准配置 Standard configuration

电热防结露中空观察窗360mmX440mm1个,引线孔左右各一个,样品架2套,照明灯,累时器(内置),电源线1条(长约3米),样品控制端子1个,RS-485/232接口一个,USB接口1个,U1个。One 360mmX440mm of electric heating anti-condensation hollow glass observation window;,one left and right wire hole;;two sample racks,floodlight ,time accumulator(internal),fone  power cable (3m long),one sample control terminal,one RS-485/232 interface,one control terminal of test power,one USB interface and one U-disk.

安全装置 Safety device

制冷系统:压缩机超压、压缩机过热、压缩机电机过流、冷却水供水欠压(水冷式)加湿系统(SQW型号):加热管干烧、供水异常、排水异常  试验箱:超温保护、温度熔断丝、风机电机过热   其他:总电源相序和缺项保护、漏电保护、负载短路保护  Refrigerating system:over-voltage of compress,over-heating of compressor,over-current of compressor motor,water supply and under-voltage of cooling water(water cooling)  Humidifying system (SQW model): dry burning of heating tube, abnormal water supply and abnormal water drainage Test chamber: over- temperature protection, temperature fuse wire, over-heating of fanand motor, others: phase sequence of total power and lacking protection, leakage protection and load short circuit protection